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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: free DocBook tools that handle Japanese

Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> writes:

> Is anyone on this list using free software DocBook tools that handle
> Japanese?

For work with Japanese in general, Emacs/Mule (20.7 and 21.1) with
Leim works great for me -- I use it every day with Japanese text files
and e-mail (Gnus). I've not worked as much with DocBook/XML and
Japanese, but I did do a little trial-and-error with Emacs and other
free software a while back to get a minimal authoring/processing
environment going. Probably I'm not doing it the "right" way. but I do
have a works-OK-for-now setup:

 * Encoding: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift-JIS"?> and use
   "C-x RET f japanese-shift-jis" in Emacs/Mule to set encoding for
   saved files

 * Validation: nsgmls with SP_BCTF environment variable set to SJIS

 * XSLT engine: xsltproc (outputs ISO-8859-1 with character references
   for the Japanese characters)

I hope others on the list who have a better environment set up can
maybe provide more details.


Michael Smith, Tokyo, Japan    http://sideshowbarker.net

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