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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Bibliography management/BibTex equivalent

Mark Wroth wrote:
> At 02.01.27 13:45 -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:
> >[...]
> >I think what's needed here is the equivalent of a BibTeX for DocBook.
> >That is, something that takes biblioentry's and a style and produces
> >bibliomixed's. I think that's a lot saner than trying to get the
> >stylesheets to do it all.
> The other major advantage of BibTeX is the ability to have a separate
> bibliography database serving many documents.  If you write many documents,
> especially in the same subject field, this can be a big timesaver.
> I agree with Norm; a BibTeX equivalent for DocBook would be a good thing to
> have around as an optional addition to the toolset (as BibTeX is with (La)TeX.

This is basically what JReferences has been doing since the beginning...

Look for citations in a DocBook document and look them up in a database,
generate a bibliography section...


Egon Willighagen <egonw@sci.kun.nl>
Occupation: PhD on Molecular Representation
Hobbies: http://www-woc.sci.kun.nl/, http://cdk.sf.net/

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