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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: A good tag for representing a very long URL

Norman Walsh [mailto:ndw@nwalsh.com] writes:

> / "Bang, Steinar" <Steinar.bang@tandbergtv.com> was heard to say:
>> What would be a good DocBook tag for representing very long
>> URLs?

> Uhm, I think ulink is the right choice, but that doesn't help directly
> with the line breaking problem.

Ah, OK.  I was going to ask you about the formatting of <ulink>.

I have <ulink>s surrounding parts of the text contents of <para>
elements.  I also have <ulink>s surrounding the contents of 
the <title> elements in <biblioentry> elements.

In HTML both renders as hyperlinks.

In PDF (formatted by Fop), the contents of the <title> elements
becomes HTTP hyperlinks in acroread, while the <ulink>s in 
<para> have the contents of their url attributes displayed.

Is this a feature, or a bug?

The behaviour I would expect, is that a <ulink> without content
will display its url attribute, in a nicely formatted way, while
a <ulink> with content becomes an external hyperlink in PDF...?

This is DocBook XSL 1.48.

> It occurs to me that the ulink could could insert discretionary
> hyphens after every "/", that would help.

> If you feature request that, I'm less likely to forget :-)

I'll do that, once I understand what it is I want...:-)

- Steinar

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