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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: free DocBook tools that handle Japanese

Tammy Fox <tfox@redhat.com> wrote
  in <20020128122924.C16889@redhat.com>:

tfox> Can you provide more details about using OpenJade? I have successfully
tfox> produced proper Japanese HTML documents, but the PDF output does not
tfox> contain the proper fonts.

 So far we cannot use JadeTeX + PDFTeX or LaTeX to create Japanese PDF.
 Instead, OpenJade, JadeTeX + ASCII pLaTeX (the newer version of this
 is based on the teTeX distribution.  Of course you need to recompile
 JadeTeX with pLaTeX), and Japanized dvipdfm can be used.  Thus,
 the translation process follows SGML->TeX->DVI->PDF.

 Note that they cannot process large documents such as FreeBSD Handbook yet
 because the hash size in the pLaTeX implementation is more limited.
 I am trying to solve this problem.  If things go well, I will inform you.

| Hiroki Sato  <hrs@FreeBSD.org>
|              <hrs@eos.ocn.ne.jp>

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