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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL implementation of DBTeXMath

I have just got around to trying Jirka Kosek's xsl version of the
DBTeXMath files that I made available late last year.

The xsl version stumbles on some material that is OK in the sgml
version.  For example:

          y_t &=& \alpha + \beta(1/x_t) + \epsilon_t\\
          y_t &=& \alpha + \beta x_t + \gamma x^2_t + \epsilon_t\\
          y_t &=& \alpha + \beta \log x_t + \epsilon_t\\
          \log y_t &=& \alpha + \beta \log x_t + \epsilon_t
        <graphic fileref="figures/nonlin.png"/>

This is processed fine by jade, but using saxon and xsl I get the

  Error on line 215 column 10 of
    Error reported by XML parser: name expected (found "=")
  Transformation failed: Run-time errors were reported

Line 215 contains the first occurrence of "&=&".  Anyone know of a
workaround for this?

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC

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