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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: [Q] Creating a draft "watermark" in FO

David Cramer [mailto:dcramer@broadjump.com] wrote:

> I'd suggested of using a background image, but was told 
> that's cheating.

> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/200107/msg00034.html

Thanx for the pointer!

> I believe the thread ended with the conclusion that FO doesn't offer a
> non-cheating way to do it.

I guess one possible solution, would be to make the background image
be an SVG image?  Of course, that would currently be a Fop-specific

> If you do choose this cheat, then making it conditional on some attribute
> is easy enough.

Hm... did the thread go on to a conclusion?  I didn't find anything
beyond you being told using a background image was cheating?

- Steinar

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