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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Help project structure

I'm new to all this and recently made a guess at this myself.  I am using a section to represent each help topic.  The type of driver file (book|chapter|section).
I am using the latest htmlhelp.xsl with Instant Saxon to generate the htm files.  Maybe those more experienced than I can point me to where I need to customize those things on my TO DO list below?  And, if I've complicated the model, please correct me.
<book id="delete">
        <!-- title to help application  -->
 <title>Product Name of Compiled Help File</title>
 <!-- each chapter is marked in HTMLHelp with a book or folder icon -->
 <!-- the file name for the first file in this chapter is generated using the id for the chapter -->
 <!-- all other file names are generated using the section id attribute  -->
 <chapter id="file_name_generated_for_first_section_in_this_chapter">
   <title>Introduction</title>  <!-- title that displays for first book  -->
   <!-- each section in a book is marked in HTMLHelp with an article icon  -->
 <chapter id="file_name_generated_for_first_section_in_this_chapter">
   <title>Title to the Second Chapter</title>
Customization I've made to the xsl sheets include:
I use title tag in a book as the help application name (only) 
Specify my own default page for the .hhp file so that I can specify the default.htm and not the generated delete.htm
Removed chapters from linking to anything (the title next to each book icon in the compiled help file)
Removed auto-generation of htm files for each chapter (with links removed, don't need these files, only help topic files which are for each section)
Add a linebreak.  There appears to be no line breaks between paragraphs.  How do you separate paragraphs?  (saw lots of references to this very problem, but didn't see a solution) 
Prevent the titles for each section from repeating at the top of each section (I only need one)
Change Heading Font Sizes
For the first file, default.htm, I need to remove target linking to middle of a file (especially for TOC)
Move Company Logo in default page to top of page, I can't seem to get a graphic to display in a section before any title data
Add hspace="3" to all htm image tags
I dont want the delete.html file generated, but it does so anyways.  I need to prevent this.
It would also be nice to have my introduction (default.htm) page not be in a book at all
-----Original Message-----
From: denisb@rational.com [mailto:denisb@rational.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:44 AM
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Help project structure

I recently did an htmlhelp project where the project was a book and each topic was a chapter. Many people have suggested using recursive sections for topics instead of chapters, and I'd like to try it. Before I dive in:
- If each topic is a section, what would the content model above it look like? People have mentioned article - would the model be set/book/article/section, where article represents the help project?
- Has anyone tried using recursive sections? Does it work - any problems to watch out for?

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