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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Help project structure

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maggie Strevell [mailto:maggie@ssinc.com]

>  I am using a section to represent each help topic.  The type 
> of driver file (book|chapter|section).

This looks sensible to me. How come some people recommend article instead of
chapter? Is there some advantage I'm missing?

>  <!-- the file name for the first file in this chapter is 
> generated using the id for the chapter -->

Does 'first file' mean the first section? With recursive sections, you could
have a topic with subsections like this, right?

      <section>Subsection 1...</section>
      <section>Subsection 2...</section>
      <section>See also...</section>

The problem with this scenario is that I don't see how to control chunking:
I'd want the whole structure above to be one topic, chunking only the top
section. Do you know how one would suppress chunking in the subsections?


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