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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: looking to develop training materials using docbook

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At 13:03 8-01-2002, Togan Muftuoglu wrote:
>I am interested currently I am trying to do  with  Docbook also but as
>separate files which makes life difficult. You can send me directly or
>point a location to be downloaded. If sending directly sourceforge has a
>limit of 1MB (IIRC) for mail attachments

Sorry for the delay; I was traveling for most of January, and it's taken me 
a little while to recollect myself. (-:

The training package is currently available at <URL: 
http://crism.maden.org/consulting/pub/xmlapps/dbtrain.zip >; it will 
probably move when I get around to integrating it into the site.  It is 
entirely undocumented right now.

That zip includes:

Archive:  dbtrain.zip
   Length     Date   Time    Name
  --------    ----   ----    ----
       949  11-10-01 17:25   train.dtd
       562  11-06-01 21:30   files.xsl
     13273  11-07-01 02:12   handout.xsl
     10486  11-07-01 02:36   slides.xsl
       738  11-10-01 17:25   slides.css
      1071  11-10-01 17:24   left.gif
      1073  11-10-01 17:24   right.gif
  --------                   -------
     28152                   7 files

The DTD has a <class> element which should be used as the root.  Each 
<unit> can have <slide>s at the start; slides.xsl will create HTML slides 
from them (with slides.css and left and right.gif).  The files.xsl 
stylesheet will extract any <programlisting> with a filename attribute for 
use as sample files with the class.  Finally, handout.xsl will generate PDF 
output for distribution to the class.

The files.xsl and slides.xsl stylesheets use the XSLT 1.1 draft with SAXON 
to do separate file output; this could be tweaked for other 
processors.  The handout.xsl stylesheet uses the pre-REC version of XSL for 
use with older FOP; that would need to be changed for the most recent 
version, as well.

Someday I'll document all of this (really - it's for work).

- -- 
Christopher R. Maden, Principal Consultant, HMM Consulting Int'l, Inc.
DTDs/schemas - conversion - ebooks - publishing - Web - B2B - training
<URL: http://www.hmmci.com/ > <URL: http://crism.maden.org/consulting/ >
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