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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Help project structure

Thank you both, I think I've got what I need.

>I use <sect1>, <sect2>, etc.

I'm interested in using only <sections>, for the reason that Dave mentions:
to avoid a rigid book structure.

> Norm added a chunk.section.depth parameter to let you control that 
> between 1.47 and 1.48. 

Great - I missed that.

> Btw., there was a discussion on the docbook list on what changes should
> be made to the dtd to accomodate a help system

I followed Norm's straw proposal too. As I recall there was some argument
that a recursive section is just the ticket for doing online docs, and maybe
we don't need a special dtd. Maybe trying this will convince me one way or
the other.


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