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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Help project structure

Steffen Maier <Steffen.Maier@studserv.uni-stuttgart.de> writes:

> Hello Maggie,
> [...]
> > Prevent the titles for each section from repeating at the top of each
> > section (I only need one)
> http://www.dpawson.co.uk/docbook/styling/custom.html#d61e810, the section
> called "14. Table of content, or toc's". It's about xsl customization
> parameters 'generate.section.toc.level' and 'toc.section.depth'.

Note also that up-to-date reference documentation for all the HTML
parameters (including the HTML Help parameters) for the current
version of the XSLT stylesheets is available on the Web at:


for the FO parameters:


It's also in the "doc" directory in the distribution --
doc/html/index.html and doc/fo/index.html

Michael Smith, Tokyo, Japan    http://sideshowbarker.net

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