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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: dsssl 1.76 print: programlistingco'sverbatim-font-size diffs to programlisting's

On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 05:39:33PM +0100, david aumueller wrote:
> If in <programlisting> width="some-value" is specified, it won't be 
> rendered the same way having the <programlisting> within <programlistingco> 
> as without <programlistingco> as parent: the verbatim font size doesn't get 
> smaller with wider widths.

I have reported this in the sourceforge bug-system, with my own fix
(don't have time to compare with yours right now, though)


I've sent a patch for this and other things to Norm directly - I
attach it, it may be useful to others, until it gets integrated in a
new release.

Yann Dirson <Yann.Dirson@fr.alcove.com>                 http://www.alcove.com/
Technical support manager                Responsable de l'assistance technique
Senior Free-Software Consultant          Consultant senior en Logiciels Libres
Debian developer (dirson@debian.org)                        Développeur Debian

Hi Norm,

While packaging 1.75 for Debian 2.2, I integrated my fixes for #517520
and #444794.  Here is the diff.

Yann Dirson <Yann.Dirson@fr.alcove.com>                 http://www.alcove.com/
Technical support manager                Responsable de l'assistance technique
Senior Free-Software Consultant          Consultant senior en Logiciels Libres
Debian developer (dirson@debian.org)                        Développeur Debian
--- docbook-stylesheets-1.75.orig/print/dbcallou.dsl
+++ docbook-stylesheets-1.75/print/dbcallou.dsl
@@ -180,25 +180,35 @@
 				(process-node-list c)))))))))
 (define ($callout-verbatim-display$ indent line-numbers?)
-  (let* ((width-in-chars (if (attribute-string "width")
-			     (string->number (attribute-string "width"))
-			     80)) ;; seems like a reasonable default...
-	 (fsize (lambda () (if %verbatim-size-factor%
-			       (* (inherited-font-size) %verbatim-size-factor%)
+  (let* ((width-in-chars (if (attribute-string (normalize"width"))
+			     (string->number (attribute-string (normalize"width")))
+			     %verbatim-default-width%)) 
+	 (fsize (lambda () (if (or (attribute-string (normalize "width"))
+				   (not %verbatim-size-factor%))
 			       (/ (/ (- %text-width% (inherited-start-indent))
-				     width-in-chars) 0.7)))))
+				     width-in-chars) 0.7)
+			       (* (inherited-font-size) 
+				  %verbatim-size-factor%))))
+	 (vspace (if (INBLOCK?)
+		     0pt 
+		     (if (INLIST?) %para-sep% %block-sep%))))
     (make paragraph
-	  space-before: (if (INLIST?) %para-sep% %block-sep%)
-	  space-after:  (if (INLIST?) %para-sep% %block-sep%)
-	  font-family-name: %mono-font-family%
-	  font-size: (fsize)
-	  font-weight: 'medium
-	  font-posture: 'upright
-	  line-spacing: (* (fsize) %line-spacing-factor%)
-	  start-indent: (inherited-start-indent)
-	  lines: 'asis
-          input-whitespace-treatment: 'preserve
-	  quadding: 'start
-	  ($callout-linespecific-content$ indent line-numbers?))))
+      use: verbatim-style
+      space-before: (if (and (string=? (gi (parent)) (normalize "entry"))
+ 			     (absolute-first-sibling?))
+			0pt
+			vspace)
+      space-after:  (if (and (string=? (gi (parent)) (normalize "entry"))
+ 			     (absolute-last-sibling?))
+			0pt
+			vspace)
+      font-size: (fsize)
+      line-spacing: (* (fsize) %line-spacing-factor%)
+      start-indent: (if (INBLOCK?)
+			(inherited-start-indent)
+			(+ %block-start-indent% (inherited-start-indent)))
+      ($callout-linespecific-content$ indent line-numbers?))))
-;; EOF dbcallout.dsl
\ No newline at end of file
--- docbook-stylesheets-1.75.orig/print/dblists.dsl
+++ docbook-stylesheets-1.75/print/dblists.dsl
@@ -56,19 +56,43 @@
 (define (COSTEP) 1.5pi)
-;; Improve spacing on lists, remove extra space before..
+;; - Improve spacing on lists, remove extra space before..
 ;; Suggested by Adam Di Carlo, adam@onshore.com
+;; - Put the title itself outside the displaygroup, so that
+;; nested lists look correct.  Yann Dirson, ydirson@alcove.fr
 (define ($list$)
-  (make display-group
-    start-indent: (if (INBLOCK?)
-                      (inherited-start-indent)
-                      (+ %block-start-indent% (inherited-start-indent)))
-    space-after:  (if (INLIST?) %para-sep% %block-sep%)))
+  (make sequence
+    (process-node-list 
+     (select-elements (children (current-node))
+		      (normalize "title")))
+    (make display-group
+      start-indent: (if (INBLOCK?)
+			(inherited-start-indent)
+			(+ %block-start-indent% (inherited-start-indent)))
+      space-after:  (if (INLIST?) %para-sep% %block-sep%)
+      (process-node-list (node-list-filter-by-not-gi
+			  (children (current-node))
+			  (list (normalize "title")))))))
 (element itemizedlist ($list$))
 (element (itemizedlist title)
   (make paragraph
+    use: title-style
+    (process-children)))
+;; Don't start a block element for itemizedlist or orderedlist title
+;; just inside a listitem, so that it looks correct
+(element (listitem itemizedlist title)
+  (make sequence
+    use: title-style
+    (process-children)))
+(element (listitem orderedlist title)
+  (make sequence
     use: title-style

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