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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.51.1

Sigh. There's a small glitch in common/en.xml in 1.51.0. So I'm
releasing 1.51.1. Hey, at least it gave me an opportunity to try out
the new three part numbering system, right?

/ Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> was heard to say:
|                    DocBook XSL Stylesheets Release Notes
| DocBook Open Repository Team
|  $Id: RELEASE-NOTES.xml,v 1.4 2002/06/02 21:17:15 nwalsh Exp $
|  02 Jun 2002
|    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
|  These are the release notes for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets. This file
|  documents (mostly) changes to the public APIs. What, exactly, counts as a
|  public API is still somewhat in question, but it includes at least the
|  global parameters.
|  Release 1.51.0
|    o Added an extension function to determine the intrinsic size of an
|      image. Works for the image formats supported by the Java Image class
|      and or PostScript-derived formats.
|    o Added callout bullets 11-15.
|    o Removed obsolete using.chunker parameter.
|    o Added points.per.em parameter.
|    o Added generate.manifest parameter.
|    o Added manifest parameter.
|    o Added compact.list.item.spacing parameter.
|    o Added html.extra.head.links parameter.
|    o Added use.svg parameter; support SVG in HTML.
|    o Convert the library code to a literate programming style with xweb.
|    o Support xref to any element that has a title (at least when it has a
|      title).
|    o Pass MathML through unchanged.
|    o Completely reworked support for graphic attributes in HTML.
|    o Add additional LINK elements to the HTML HEAD (for site navigation as
|      in Mozilla---note, however, that Mozilla has disabled this recently
|      for the 1.0 release).
|    o Support shade.verbatim parameter in FO.
|    o Support compact list spacing in FO.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | We cannot put off living until we
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | are ready. The most salient
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | characteristic of life is its
                                   | coerciveness: it is always urgent,
                                   | 'here and now' without any
                                   | possible postponement. Life is
                                   | fired at us point blank.--Jos\'e
                                   | Ortega Y Gasset

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