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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Problem with Next/Prev links when usinghtml/chunk.xml

/ Vincent Hikida <vhikida@inreach.com> was heard to say:
| I'm having a problem in the html created using chunk.xml.
|  Basically, the "next" and "prev" links are often wrong. An example is that 
| the next link may be "ch03s02.htmlch04.htmlch04s02.html" when it should be 
| ch03s02.html
| I've documented my problem at http://www.vhikida.com/docbook/docbook.html
| Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

This turned out to be a bug in 1.50.0. It's fixed in 1.51.x. (I introduced
the bug trying to work around the Xalan problem. Grr....)

                                        Be seeing you,
Oops my previous reply only went to Norm and not the rest of the list. Using 1.51.1 fixed the problem. 

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