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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Mozilla Site Navigation toolbar hack
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> writes: > Hi, > > Since the Mozilla folks have removed the site navigation bar in recent > releases, I dug around until I figured out how to put it back. > See http://nwalsh.com/hacks/mozilla/ > > I've also published a more DocBook-specific toolbar there. I don't > know if it's a good thing or not, but I like it :-) Nice. The DocBook-specific version seems especially useful for navigating through reference documentation like the HTML parameter reference for the XSL stylesheets: http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/doc/html/index.html The Reference and Refentry submenus under the Document menu in the site navigation toolbar provide some nice ways to jump around in the XSL referenc docs -- the Reference one for jumping between the groupings of related parameters, and the Refentry one for jumping right to the page for a specific parameter; if you know the name of the parameter or even just the letter it starts with, you can just hit a key to jump to it (for example, hit the "b" key to jump through all the parameters that start with "b"). If/when they release a Mozilla version with the site navigation toolbar restored, I hope it'll be possible to make the DocBook-specific toolbar available as a "plug-in" XUL application/ modification (at XUL Planet or Deskmod or Mozdev or wherever). --Mike
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