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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: xsl and toc deepness


I am the guy, who is working on the PHP Documentations new
CHM format (which uses XSL style sheets instead of the DSSSL
ones used for the other formats).

One of the most annoying problems with the XSL style sheets so
far was the TOC deepness parameter. I cannot get the same TOC
deepness as in the DSSSL documentation (or at least a normal one).

Anything in the corresponding param more then zero produces a
TOC going as deep as it can (which makes a horrible frontpage for
the PHP manual with ~3000 HTML pages (all listed on the
front page). If you look at http://php.net/manual/en/ you'll
see that the DSSSL generated toc is quite normal, and I would
like to achive that thing...

I have used:

<xsl:param name="toc.section.depth">0</xsl:param>

And it prodoced a TOC with only the topmost elements, and
I have tested:

<xsl:param name="toc.section.depth">1</xsl:param>

and it produced a TOC as deep as it can bee... ;(((

Thanks for your help,

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