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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: ant and website ?

I am happily using ant to build my html (thanks to dpawson
http://www.dpawson.co.uk/docbook/ant.html ) but don't understand it's
relationship to website.

When trying to build a website (to see what it's like and how it's different
from chunking my html output), I learned that the website pages need an ID
such as <webpage id="test1" lang="de">.    I'm kind of new to this all, so
it seems to me like website pages are not docbook pages anymore.

My questions are :

1)  Is website significantly better than the html produced through reg

2)  Is it possible to build a website site from docbook xml pages by
processing them with xsl (to add the webpage id for instance)?

I need to produce pdf files too, so I have to stay with and author in
docbook.  I'm just doing a users manual though so maybe I don't need what a
website would have to offer.  I just saw the create layout and create
website tasks in the ant build file and wondered if I should be using them,
why they were there, and if they didn't already build a website from regular
docbook xml.


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