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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Attributes for figures
* Togan Muftuoglu; <toganm@users.sourceforge.net> on 03 Dec, 2002 wrote: >* Alain NAKACHE; <alain@cal.fr> on 03 Dec, 2002 wrote: >>At 14:49 03/12/02 +0200, Togan Muftuoglu wrote: >>>Hi, >>figure bitmap. >> >>Bob Stayton pointed to me the following advice : >>"You would need to customize the template named >>'formal.object' in the stylesheet file fo/formal.xsl. >>But you would need to learn XSL-FO in order to put >>the border attributes in the right place. Then you >>have to hope that FOP can output it correctly." >>but my result was to enclose the whole Block and not only the figure. > >Strange I had the exact same result :-) Also fighting with FOP is >another major issue Ok I have progressed a bit further I am able to make a frame all around the figure and only figure. <xsl:attribute-set name="figure.properties" use-attribute-sets="formal.object.properties"> <xsl:attribute name="border-color">black</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="border-style">solid</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> <xsl:template match="figure"> <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="figure.properties"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </fo:block> </xsl:template> The only thing missing is the Figure title ie "Figure 1.1 Bla Bla" -- Togan Muftuoglu
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