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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: XInclude doesn't validate with xmllint

At 16:00 2002 12 03 +0300, Vitaly Ostanin wrote:
>On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 07:30:03 -0500
>Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> wrote:
>> Base URIs have no bearing on ID values.
>ID values used for linking and must be uniq, right?

It is a validation error if there are duplicate IDs
in a document.

>In modular set of docbook/xml after processing XInclude some
>documents may to have duplicates of ID. 

True, and this would be a validation error.  The same is
true if you used external parsed entities.  XInclude does
nothing to solve the ID uniqueness problem.  

In particular, if you reuse the same chunk of XML in two places 
in the same document and any element therein contains an ID, you
will end up with a document that is not valid (whether you
use external parsed entities or XInclude).

>I think what using 
>'xml:base' + 'filename' + 'id'
>can produce uniq values as result. 

Maybe, but that isn't how things work in XML.


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