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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: How to create reference to glossentry with XSL 1.58 +xsltproc

Let's imagine I have following part in glossary:

  <glossentry id="dtd1">
    <glossterm id="dtd2">Document Type Declaration (DTD)</glossterm>
    <glossdef id="dtd3">
      <para id="dtd4">
        A set of declarations that defines the names of the elements and
        their attributes, and that specifies rules for their combination
        or sequence.

And now I try to refer to this item from book as follow:

<!ENTITY see_dtd1               "(see <xref linkend='dtd1'/>)">
<!ENTITY see_dtd2               "(see <xref linkend='dtd2'/>)">
<!ENTITY see_dtd3               "(see <xref linkend='dtd3'/>)">
<!ENTITY see_dtd4               "(see <xref linkend='dtd4'/>)">
  DocBook is set of definitions
  for either XML and SGML.

but this is rendered as:

  DocBook is set of definitions (see ???) (see ???) (see ???) (see ???)
  for either XML and SGML.

and during rendering it following errors are outputed from xsltproc:

  Don't know what gentext to create for xref to: "glossentry", ("dtd1")
  Don't know what gentext to create for xref to: "glossterm", ("dtd2")
  Don't know what gentext to create for xref to: "glossdef", ("dtd3")
  Don't know what gentext to create for xref to: "glossentry", ("dtd1")

1. first of all why dtd1 is reported for xref dtd4 (fourth line of output)?
2. there is really no way to refer to glossentry via docbook ?
3. can I customize output somehow to catch this situation ?


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