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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: htmlhelp + mathml + mathplayer

Hello everybody,

I am trying to enable MathML display in generated HtmlHelp pages using 
MathPlayer (http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathplayer/). I managed to 
do it manually, but ofcourse, I'd like to modify the xsl stylesheets so 
that it can be done automatically. I want to add a parameter to control 
whether or not to add the extra elements needed for displaying the 
MathML correctly. These elements are:
- Add "xmlns:m=http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"; after every <html> 
open tag on every page
- Add
     <object ID=MathPlayer 
     <?import namespace="m" implementation="#MathPlayer" ?>

to the <head></head> part of every page

Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to do this? It doesn't 
seem too hard but I'm an xsl beginner and the stylesheets are somewhat 

Secondly, the htmlhelp stylesheets seems to strip the namespace from all 
MathML tags. How can I leave them in? Do I have to change the 
stylesheets or can I set a parameter somewhere?

Thanks in advance.



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