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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Attributes for figures

At 11:08 03/12/02 -0800, Bob Stayton wrote:
>On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 07:35:58PM +0100, Alain NAKACHE wrote:
> > It is a good approach of boxed figures but the box is as large as the 
> whole
> > fo:block and not only the bitmap.
> >
> > Is it what you expected first ?
>Well, yes, the block is by default the width of the page,
>so the border is the whole width.  It does look funny
>on a graphic.
> > I know that the difficulty is to guess the bounds of the picture (whatever
> > the format is) to define closely the block.
> >
> > Is it possible to obtain this result ?
>The figure element can contain any number of things
>besides graphics, so perhaps you should be concentrating
>on graphics within figure rather than on figure.
>If the generated <fo:external-graphic> object has the
>border properties, they should fit tightly to the graphic.
>This works in RenderX's XEP, but the border doesn't
>show at all in FOP when I do that.  If you are using FOP,
>I think the imagemagik solution is probably the best.

I just found a problem that ImageMagick cannot resolve. When I shrink an 
imagedata inside a figure with 'width' and 'depth' attributes, the border 
thickness is shrunk too.

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