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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problems with double-sided print output from xsl

I'm having a problem getting my odd and even pages to correspond to recto
and verso pages when I use the more recent fo/xsl stylesheets (1.55.0 and
1.58.1) for double-sided print output. With earlier stylesheets (1.49 and
lower), the stylesheets adjust the combined number of title pages and table
of content (TOC) pages to give an even number, so that the body of the
document (i.e. the first page of a chapter) always starts on an odd page.
Using the default stylesheets with no customization (other than to set
<xsl:param name="double.sided" select="'1'"/>), the stylesheets output 4
title pages, and if there is an odd number of TOC pages, it pads the TOC
with blank pages to output an even number.  

With both the 1.55.0 and 1.58.1 distributions, however, the stylesheets do
not seem to compensate for an odd number of TOC pages. Is there a new
parameter that activates this option? If not, do you have any idea what
might cause this problem?

Here's my setup:

DocBook DTD V4.1.2
DocBook stylesheets: 1.49 (worked fine)   1.55.0 & 1.58.1 (didn't work)
On an unrelated issue, I can reproduce the same FOP null error reported
earlier (see
This error occurs when I run FOP after using the default /fo stylesheets
(1.55.0 & 1.58.1) to create the fo file in the double-sided format. I
eliminated the problem by customizing the headers and footers, but I think
the problem is related to the gentext-key parameter in the pagesetup.xsl
file. I'm not certain that gentext-key is the source of the problem, but I
think FOP is choking on this parameter (or it's output) when I feed it an fo
file from one of my documents. In my customized stylesheet, I don't use this
parameter and have no problems creating the PDF file.

Brad Thacker
Technical Writer
J.D. Edwards & Company
One Technology Way
Denver, CO 80237
(303) 334-8786 Direct
(303) 334-8857 Fix

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