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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: xsl reference question

After downloading the docbook slides dtd and xsl style sheets and creating a test presentation I attempted to render with xsltproc, which worked fine execpt for the duration.  Upon futher inspection it seemed in the xsl stylesheet 'slides-common.xsl' That is was referencing  the file 'chunk.xsl' from the net distribution at sourceforge.
I was successful in downloading the style sheets to my local machine and pointing the reference there, however in the process I have the following question.  What is the difference between the xsl style sheets in the slides distribution and the full xsl distro ?  Can I drop the two into the same path ?  Or is the slide-common.xsl stylesheet just 'stealing' a component from the larger distro ?
Code now runs an order of magnitude faster !

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