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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: comments on "Using the DocBook XSL Stylesheets"
At 14:33 14/12/2002 -0800, Bob Stayton wrote: >My doc covers both file path references and catalog references. >For those just getting started, it is simpler to point to a >real file on their local system. After they get that working, >I have a whole chapter on XML catalogs. Having been there and suffered Bob, perhaps a mention of the symptoms of the processor going to the web (succeeding or failing), and how/where it can be fixed? It shouldn't take long to persuade readers that a catalog is a good idea :-) I found it infuriating at first, especially when, having done it and got it all working, Norm produces a new version and I have to do it all again! For a full XML docbook, how many places need changing to get it to work? And the assumption then is that its installed such that relative pathnames work. ~All points I've tripped over in the past. (which is another reason I'm happy to see your work :-) Regards DaveP.
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