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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Long-shot: XSL FO printer driver?

Marc Palmer wrote:

> So, does anyone know of a printer driver (for Windows) that outputs to an
> XSL:FO file? If this doesn't exist yet, it should, because it would make
> producing PS and PDF output from any Windows app for free a breeze! Of

If you want to get PDFs or PS from any Windows application, you have
many free and commercial solution. To get PDF for free just install
driver for some PostScript printer and redirect output to file. You can
then use free Ghostscript to convert PS into PDF. There are also
commercial paid ways like Adobe Distiller.

XSL FO is not very well suited for this task, as it describes layout in
a quite abstract manner before actual page rendering stage goes on. It
can't capture all possible layouts of object on a page -- think which PS
and PDF can do very well.


  Jirka Kosek  	                     
  e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz

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