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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: BUG Page numbering problem with 1.58.1
Hi, I have tried with docbook-test documents 1.1 file book.001.xml The document validates with xmllint and when I produce the PDF I have a weird page numbering status. I have even with the default docbook.xsl (meaning without any customization) but it allways have the same problem. The numbering starts with the coverpage as numeric when it comes to Dedication it switches to roman numbers all the LOT is in roman numbers and when it comes to Part I it should have been starting with numbering as numeric starting at 1 where as it continues to the numbering where it ended with the toman numerals ie the last page in the LOT produces [x] and numeric continues with [11] This is with Docbook XSL 1.58.1 using Saxon 6.5.2 and FOP 0.25rc ( XEP 2.77) has the same result Am I the only one with this problem ? If not I will place bug report on Sourceforge -- Togan Muftuoglu
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