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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: imageobject width= broken in XSL for HTML?


I came across a funny just now. I'm trying to get an image (mediaobject) 
to align right and not be "inline" i.e. text should not start until after it.

To do this I thought I'd use:

     <imagedata align="right" fileref="mypict.gif" format="GIF" 

Having seen that on www.docbook.org using width= will change the viewport 
size but still display the image at its intrinsic size.

This didn't work – in the HTML output it stretched the image to full page 
width! The HTML it generated included a TABLE to wrap the image with 
WIDTH="100%" but also it put WIDTH="100%" in the IMG tag!

The SVG version of the same image came out fine in PDF (after FOP 
processing the FO) with just width="100%" so I think this is a bug in the 
HTML XSL templates.

To workaround it, you can specify the exact pixel width of the image in 
contentwidth= which is OK, but not ideal.

If there is a better way to achieve what I want, please tell me.

Best wishes,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W<A> ~~~~~
(o) Wangjammer5 (Marc Palmer) 
( ) Wangjammer7 

www.wangjammers.org = Java Consultants (Web|Smartcards|Crypto)

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