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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: DB XSL: Best way to control the formatting of elements?


What is the suggested/best way to change the output of specific docbook 
elements without necessarily applying that change to all instances of 
that element?

Take for instance an <address> - at the top of my document I'd like it 
right-aligned under the logo, but addresses later in the document should 
probably use the default formatting.

In my titlepage.xml I have added <address fo:text-align="right"/> which 
works well, but I fear that later addresses that are immediate children of 
the root node will also be affected – probably not an issue, but this does 
not "feel" right.

Is there some way to apply formatting such as this to specific nodes, 
perhaps using their id attribute? i.e. a dirty Xpath expression to use in 
select= in the titlepage.xml?

Best wishes,

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