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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: My attemps to use fop 0.20.5rc


This is a little bit off topic but I want to understand.

I've seen on this list that many people are using FOP 0.20.5rc.
My tests with the bin distribution of FOP (Compiled with Jimi and JAI) 
returned the following Exceptions issues :

Error: One factory fails for the operationpng
Occurs in: javax.media.jai.ThreadSafeOperationRegistry
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1.invoke(Unknown Source)

When the JAI api is I uninstalled , a new exception is returned :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
         at org.apache.fop.image.JAIImage.loadImage(JAIImage.java:53)
despite the CHANGES doc says :
"Made JAI support dynamic (no recompile needed anymore)" (sic)

Did I missed something ?

Finally, my numerous problems :

  - inline graphics baseline alignment
  - fo:external-graphic border properties and rendering
  - Warnings
  - Error
  - ...

encountered with fop 0.20.4 are not solved.

What are the new features and bugfixes of FOP 0.20.5rc useful with Docbook 
XSL stylesheet ?


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