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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: xmllint and &

On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 10:58:04AM -0500, Jeff Beal wrote:
> I'm getting the following error when parsing my documentation with xmllint:
> When I edit my local copy of the DocBook DTD and remove the following line
> from the iso-num.ent file, everything works:
> <!ENTITY amp "&#x0026;"> <!-- AMPERSAND -->
> Any comments or suggestions on how to fix this without messing with the DTD?
> I have, by the way, verified that xmllint is reading the other character
> entities just fine.  It seems only to be a problem with the &amp; entity.

  And I don't understand what's happening, no such problem on
a smaller testcase:

paphio:~/XML -> cat tst.xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE foobar SYSTEM "tst.dtd">
paphio:~/XML -> cat tst.dtd
<!ENTITY amp "&#x0026;"> <!-- AMPERSAND -->
paphio:~/XML -> xmllint --loaddtd --noout tst.xml
paphio:~/XML ->

 and it's the first time I heard of such a problem.
however I note that the DTDs installed on my system for DocBook have
<!ENTITY amp    "&#38;#38;"> <!-- AMPERSAND -->
instead in docbook/xml-dtd-4.2-1.0-14/ent/iso-num.ent
but older version had the old style declaration but commented:
  <!-- predeclared in XML <!ENTITY amp   "&#x0026;"--> <!-- AMPERSAND -->



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