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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: xmllint and &
On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 10:58:04AM -0500, Jeff Beal wrote: > When I edit my local copy of the DocBook DTD and remove the following line > from the iso-num.ent file, everything works: > <!ENTITY amp "&"> <!-- AMPERSAND --> That's not the proper definition of &. It's supposed to be <!ENTITY amp "&#38;"> <!-- AMPERSAND --> and that's what all copies of iso-num.ent on my machine say. And that's *if* you explicitly define it. amp, lt, gt, apos and quot are always defined, even without a DTD. As for the "why", the answer would have to be "because XML 1.0 says so". See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#sec-entexpand for an example in the spec itself. -- Bart.
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