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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: language specific character in PDF output
Is there anything I can do to get language specific character to be displayed correctly in PDF output using Adobe Reader on Windowses ? I use ł entity as second letter in my original name 'Wlodzimierz'. It is rendered (xsltproc + 1.58) in xhtml to 'ł' and in fo to 'ł' which seems of course the same. When I previewed html rendering it is displayed with correct character. When I created PDF using Fop and viewed that character with Adobe Reader 5.0 CE (CE means Central Europe so polish character should be supported). I have no problems with characters like 'Jérôme' for example. I'm sure fonts on my computer has that letter installed and I'm sure I have no separated Helvetica installed. Any ideas? ABX
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