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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: language specific character in PDF output

* David Tolpin; <dvd@renderx.com> on 20 Dec, 2002 wrote:
>> Turkish language specific characters as long as a font file is used that
>> is covering the glyphs. Fonst coming with XEP do not include these
>> glyphs. The bookmarks are not displaying the Turkish characters and
>> actually they change the text ( this could be the feature of Docbook
>> StyleSheets ) and the ending result is they are displayed properly
>I've decided to continue discuss it publicly since it is a common problem
>and confusion. Opposite to a document's contents, bookmarks are not _rendered_
>by a PDF producer. They are supplied as data to Acrobat Reader; there is no
>place to set a font for bookmarks inside the PDF file.
>Acrobat Reader (starting with 5.0 IIRC) accepts bookmarks in Unicode and displays
>them using a font it is configured to use too. To say the truth I cannot recall
>what exactly I had done to force AR to use a Unicode font  with AR for Linux,
>but I'll try to reconstruct it.

The Acrobat Reader Help mentiones it yet I have not understood the exact
format as the prefs are different then shown in the help (

I have tried using thd db2xpdf.xsl that comes with XEP and the bookmarks
as seen below do have the correct characters. yet the code in fop.xsl is
also used by xep.xsl and a character conversion is done. So since there
is a translation done Even if there is correct fonts for the bookmarks.
It is not possible to see them as they do not exsit anymore. Maybe this
feature should be removed or added as a parameter to the stylesheets 
Acrobat_compatibiliy_ mode

The db2xpdf.xsl generates this

<rx:bookmark-label>1.2.2. SpamAssassin ayar dosyas&#305;n&#305;n
d&#252;zenlenmesi</r x:bookmark-label>

Docbook generates this

<rx:bookmark-label>1.2.2. SpamAssassin ayar dosyasinin

xep.xsl has the a-dia, a-asc translation coming from fop.xsl
<xsl:if test="$bookmark-label != ''">
 <rx:bookmark internal-destination="{$id}">
             <xsl:value-of select="translate($bookmark-label, $a-dia, $a-asc)"/>


Togan Muftuoglu

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