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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: FO output: author in simpara, entry and term
Bob Stayton <bobs@caldera.com>: > > When I used <author> in some allowed (according to 4.2 DTD) parents I got > > errors during rendering to FO with either xsltproc and instant saxon. > > This was an omission from the FO stylesheets. > I checked in changes so that it works in a manner > similar to the HTML stylesheets. It will be in the > next distribution. In the mean time, you can use this: > > <xsl:template match="author"> > <xsl:call-template name="person.name"/> > </xsl:template> > > This puts together the person's name from the > subelements. Yes, it works fine, thanks. Is it also that simple to automatically add 'Author:' to each type of rendering with 1.58 when <author> appear within <sectioninfo> (but not in other tags)? ABX
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