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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: wannabe website user w/Mac needs Make help
I downloaded website and sort of have some things working, but as I looked through the example directories xml files I saw that it contained instructions on how to build a make file. I tried to follow these instruction as best I could, but I'm having a few small problems, which I'm sure are do to my ignorance of Makefiles. I am using xsltproc installed with fink on a Mac OS X machine; Apple provides gnumake with their tools -- GNU Make version 3.79, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath. Built for powerpc-apple-darwin6.0 -- though not the full gnumake manual. Xsltproc works well enough, but building the example is more complicated, and I don't quite seem to know my makefiles well enough to make all the changes. The command line "[broomstick:/Volumes/ZIP-100/website-2.3] josh% xsltproc --stringparam autolayout-file ../xsl/autolayout.xsl xsl/website.xsl tests/test.xml" was good enough to process the basic test file. This sends the output to STDOUT; I need to capture the right file names with the '-o filename.html' option. -- Josh Kuperman josh@ssimr.com
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