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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Bug?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 [ Follow-ups to docbook-apps, please ] / "Stefan Priebsch (e-novative GmbH)" <stefan.priebsch@e-novative.de> was heard to say: | we've just experienced the following: when creating an empty title | (<title></title>) for a table and creating XHTML using the 1.57.0 | stylesheets, the </a> is missing in the list of tables HTML, which screws | up the following line, of course. The closest I can come to reproducing this is: <div class="list-of-tables"> <p> <b>List of Tables</b> </p> <dl> <dt>1.1. <a href="#d0e7"/></dt> </dl> </div> As you can see, the anchor is empty so XML empty-tag syntax is being used. | Is there anything wrong on my side or does this happen to be a bug? It's not a bug, but if your browser is having trouble with it, it isn't doing XML right. You might want to run the results through tidy which will probably produce some "backwards compatible XHTML" or something like that. Be seeing you, norm - -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | You can parody and make fun of http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | almost anything, but that does not Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | turn the universe into a | caricature.--Bernard Berenson -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.7 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/> iD8DBQE+B3ZjOyltUcwYWjsRAuokAJ4lc1xJROODwPYtAgm8D8kV0qzsLQCgiPTk /TVx2YTGdIhq4IRVS/8qCd8= =UHvQ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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