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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: <procedure> - Getting Extra Line in <step>

On Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 12:28:08 -0600, "Thacker, Brad" 
<Brad_Thacker@jdedwards.com> wrote:
From my experience, this appears to be a bug in the xsl stylesheets. I've
>seen this problem for over a year, and I've upgraded through three versions
>of docbook-xsl (I'm currently at 1.49). I was able to fix the problem by
>adding the following template to my customization layer:
><xsl:template match="step/para[1]">
>                <fo:block>
>                        <xsl:apply-templates/>
>                </fo:block>

I don't know if the solution Brad posted, works or if any other patch was 
posted, so if somebody knows of a solution to this problem other than that 
posted by Brad please let me know.

I have added Brads template suggestion to my customization layer, but when 
performing the transform from DocBook XML > FOP I get the following error:

F org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The prefix "fo" for element "fo:block" is not 

I use the oXygen XML Editor for my editing. As I don't understand XSL-FO I am 
not able to dig into the problem myself. Hope somebody can help.

Sean Wheller

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