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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Vertical Tables
When you use the <xsl:attribute/> element, it inserts the attribute into whatever element is currently open in the XSL result tree. In your case, the <fo:table-cell/> element isn't yet open, so the attribute is inserted into a higher-level element (probably an fo:table-row, but it could be the <fo:table/>). To do the level of customization you want, you'll have to make a copy of the template you are trying to customize and be sure that you insert the <xsl:attribute/> inside of the <fo:table-cell/> element. <xsl:apply-imports/> will not work in this case. Jeff Beal -----Original Message----- From: Giuseppe Greco [mailto:giuseppe.greco@bluewin.ch] Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 11:26 AM To: DocBook Apps Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Vertical Tables Hallo guys, I need to generate a vertical table like this: +--------+--------+ | HEAD 1 | text 1 | +--------+--------+ | HEAD 2 | text 2 | +--------+--------+ HEADs should be rendered in bold, while texts in normal. To solve the problem, I modified my row entries like this: ... <row> <entry role="tablehead">HEAD 1</entry> <entry>text 1</entry> </row> <row> <entry role="tablehead">HEAD 2</entry> <entry>text 2</entry> </row> ... and I wrote a stylesheet like this: ... <xsl:template match="entry" name="entry"> <xsl:if test="parent:row and @role='tablehead'"> <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">bold<xsl:attribute> </xsl:if> <xsl:apply:imports/> </xsl:template> ... Well, the result is that HEADs as well as texts are rendered in bold. Have I forgotten something? Thanks, -- Giuseppe Greco <giuseppe.greco@bluewin.ch> Agamura Corp.
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