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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problem with images when generating HTML output...

Hi Guys,

I need to generate PDF, PS, and HTML output
from my DocBook documents.

To include images into my documents, I normally
write something like this:

    <imagedata fileref="myImageFile" format="PNG"/>
    <phrase>My text</phrase>

I omit the file extension (.png) in the fileref
attribute in order to let the processor to generate
PDF as well PS output correctly (this works fine).

Well, as soon as I try to generate HTML output,
I get some troubles. In fact, the generated
HTML output for the statements above is

<div class="mediaobject">
  <img src="myImageFile" alt="My text">

As you can see, the file extension (.png) is

I'm using XSL stylesheets V 1.58.1.

Have you any idea?

Giuseppe Greco
Strada Regina 40
6928 Manno (TI)

Mobile: +41 (0) 76 390 60 32
Email : giuseppe.greco@bluewin.ch

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