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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problem with images when generating HTML output ...

I haven't worked with PassiveTex and have used Tex only a little, and that
didn't include graphics, so I'm a bit in the dark on this behavior.  I know
that neither FOP nor XEP infer graphic extensions if one doesn't exist.  

As for the general concept of having the stylesheets add an extension based
on the format, it seems that specifying multiple alternate mediaobjects and
selecting the right one for the output is a better approach.

    <imagedata fileref="myImageFile.eps" format="EPS"/>
    <imagedata fileref="myImageFile.pdf" format="PDF"/>
    <imagedata fileref="myImageFile.png" format="PNG"/>
    <phrase>My text</phrase>

In order for this to work exactly as you want it, you'll probably have to
customize the is.graphic.format and is.graphic.extension templates from the
graphics.xsl files in the DocBook Stylesheets.

Bob Stayton has been modifying the selection mechanism for mediaobjects
somewhat, though.  These changes may make some of this work easier.
Depending on your timeframe, you may want to hold off until the next
stylesheet distribution.  (See
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/200212/msg00080.html for
some details on the new mechanism.)

Jeff Beal

-----Original Message-----
From: Giuseppe Greco [mailto:giuseppe.greco@bluewin.ch]
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 9:37 AM
To: Jeff Beal
Cc: DocBook Apps
Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problem with images when generating HTML
output ...


I use xsltproc to produce FO output and then PassiveTeX
to produce PDF/PS output.

Of course, the FO file doesn't contain the file extension;
it is automatically added by PassiveTeX.

In the example I sent you this morning, PuassiveTeX would
append the ".ps" extension when generating PS output
and the ".pdf" extension when generating PDF output.

I think it would be nice if the stylesheet would automatically
append the file extension in accordance to the "format" attribute.

What do you think about?

On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 15:04, Jeff Beal wrote:
> The stylesheets don't add extensions to match the format.  They assume the
> filename is correct and use the format as part of the mediaobject
> mechanism.  In order to do what you want, you'd have to copy and customize
> the template named "process.image" in graphics.xsl.
> I am a little confused as to why you want to have the stylesheets generate
> an extension and how your FO processor is working fine without the
> extension.  The fileref attribute should be a valid URI to a file,
> the extension.  Could you provide a bit more information on the problem
> were having that caused you to drop the .png extension?
> Jeff Beal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Giuseppe Greco [mailto:giuseppe.greco@bluewin.ch]
> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 5:15 AM
> To: DocBook Apps
> Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problem with images when generating HTML
> output...
> Hi Guys,
> I need to generate PDF, PS, and HTML output
> from my DocBook documents.
> To include images into my documents, I normally
> write something like this:
> ...
> <mediaobject>
>   <imageobject>
>     <imagedata fileref="myImageFile" format="PNG"/>
>   </imageobject>
>   <textobject>
>     <phrase>My text</phrase>
>   </textobject>
> </mediaobject>
> ...
> I omit the file extension (.png) in the fileref
> attribute in order to let the processor to generate
> PDF as well PS output correctly (this works fine).
> Well, as soon as I try to generate HTML output,
> I get some troubles. In fact, the generated
> HTML output for the statements above is
> ...
> <div class="mediaobject">
>   <img src="myImageFile" alt="My text">
> </div>
> ...
> As you can see, the file extension (.png) is
> missing...
> I'm using XSL stylesheets V 1.58.1.
> Have you any idea?
Giuseppe Greco
Strada Regina 40
6928 Manno (TI)

Mobile: +41 (0) 76 390 60 32
Email : giuseppe.greco@bluewin.ch

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