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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: comments on "Using the DocBook XSL Stylesheets"

Adam DiCarlo <adam@onshored.com> writes:

> Ideally the file locations should comply with the LSB/XML standard,
> although I can no longer find that standard (!! maybe it's dead?).

The SGML "standard" (better: proposal or recommendation) once was added
to the LSB (around version 1.0) as an appendix; thus I think it was non
mandatory.  It didn't took a long time and it was dropped again--I
don't know the reason why.

Then "we" discussed it again.  Unfortunately, the last discussion
happened at the wrong moment: before the XML Entity Resolution
standard/proposal (AKA: XML Catalog Standard) were released.  People
became unpatient and no format decision were taken.

Since the SGML "standard" didn't solve a single problem there's no need
to complain ;)

Now we have two full featured tools: libxml2/libxslt (plus helper tools)
and openjade (with DTDDECL support!); both are able to access resources
thru catalogs.  No need for a standard any longer.  We just will have to
make sure proper master catalogs are available:


ke@suse.de (work) / keichwa@gmx.net (home):              |
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