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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: xsltproc: fox:outline element missing for TOC bookmarkin PDF


I am using docbook-xsl-1.60.1, xsltproc, and FOP 0.20.5rc2.

I was happy with Jens's postprocessing fix for PDF bookmarks in:
until I noticed that there was no bookmark created for the "Table of Contents".

When I manually insert:

<fox:outline xmlns:fox="http://xml.apache.org/fop/extensions" 
<fox:label>Table of Contents</fox:label>

in the fo file, I get the bookmark.

Strangely enough, as I was developing the glossary collection system between 
books, I noticed that I did not reproduce the above problem for more complex 
documents with a glossary.

Please do not tell me to build dummy glossaries for all my books ;)
I have a collection of books, some have a glossary, other do not. It is not very 
satisfying to have blank page at the end of the latest, with just the title 
"Glossary" on it!

I think there are other limitations... Even in cases where I can get the TOC 
bookmark all right, I never succeed in generating the LOF bookmark while having 
formal figures in my book.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide,


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