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Subject: ANNOUNCE : DB2LaTeX 0.7

Fellow docbookers,

We are pleased to announce you the immediate availability of
DB2LaTeX 0.7

DB2LaTeX is a set of XSL stylesheets that transforms DocBook
XML Documents into LaTeX 2e sources, which can be compiled into
PDF or PostScript using a standard LaTeX distribution as MiKTeX or

DB2LaTeX 0.7 contains extensive revisions since previous DB2LaTeX
releases. Due to these changes, users of previous DB2LaTeX releases may
wish to revise any custom driver files. DB2LaTeX 0.7 is a a beta release
and further work remains to be done before the release of DB2LaTeX 1.0.
Comments and bugfixes/patches are always welcome and in such cases, we
encourage users to send in specific DocBook XML examples.

Ramon Casellas
James Devenish
DB2LaTeX team.

How to install

Sourceforge URL

* The CVS repository has been restructured.

* Many bug fixes and expanded support for DocBook elements,
 attributes, and stylesheet parameters.

* Added support for Slides DTD
    See xsl/slides.
    See xsl/slides/sample.

* Support for tables has been very much improved.

* Lots of samples/test cases
    * Customization layers : PostScript only/ both PDF and PostScript
    * Customization layer: IEEE bibliography format.
    * Examples: fullblown, minimal, infocom/IEEE articles.
    * Glossaries
    * Questions and Answers.
    * Indexes
    * CALS tables.
    * MathML presentation, in its barebones, currently unmaintained
    * Extended DocBook DTD:
        - Theorems, definitions, propositions, proofs.
    * Subfigures and Mediaobjects
    * defguide.

* Known issues:
    * Tables are not 100% conforming.
    * Escaping characters in URLs and links needs further testing.
    * Indices may have serveral "see"
    * See BUGS and TODO for a more detailed list

// Ramon Casellas 		GET/ENST/INFRES/RHD/C206
// casellas@infres.enst.fr

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