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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] [website] olink mechanismen complains about missingwebsite.database.xml but this isn't missing

Bob Stayton wrote:
> Website supports *two* olink databases, identified by
> two different parameters:
> website.database.document   - targets in webpages in your layout.xml
> target.database.document    - other documents outside of Website
> You are setting the parameter for the offsite targets.
> That leaves the stylesheet to look for the website
> targets in the default location, which is the current
> directory.  Change the parameter name in your command to
> 'website.database.document' and it should work.
> You only need target.database.document if some of your
> webpages contain olink references to documents outside
> of your Website.

Thank you for your help. Could it be, that this information isn't given 
on the example page 

It would be nice, if it could be added to the page.


Oliver Fischer

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