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Subject: [docbook-apps] Re: [docbook] Docbook and SVG howto
There is also a helpful rasterizer task for Apache Ant to automate that process. http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ruini/structure/others/SVGRasterizer/ This is the same as the Batik SVGRasterizer but with some more parameters. It'll replicate the directory structure from the source into the destination directory. Alex At 10:20 02.10.2003 +0200, you wrote: >[moving to docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org ] > >To get a PNG from an SVG you can use commandlines like this one: > >java -Xms64m -jar /path/to/batik-rasterizer.jar foo.svg -d foo.png -m >image/png -w 490 -h 130 -dpi 300 -validate
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