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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Newbie: How to divide a book to chapters?

Kemal Ozan wrote:

>I am sure this is a very simple one, but couldn't figure out
>so far...

>Now the problem: Naturally I want to load only chapter1.xml
>to the editor, not the whole book. In order to benefit
>Morphon's goodies though, I still have to say it that I am
>using docbook.dtd and docbook.css. So I put these lines to
>the top of chapter1.xml:
><?xml-stylesheet href="DOCBOOK.CSS" type="text/css"?>
><!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM "Docbookx.dtd"
>And that gives two kinds of errors: 1- chapter1.xml is not
>valid because the root element of docbook must be "<book>"
>2- book.xml is not valid because chapter1.xml is inserted
>into book.xml with the lines above. And you can't have a dtd
>declaration in the middle of an xml file...

1) Change
<!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM "Docbookx.dtd" >
<!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "Docbookx.dtd" >

2) After edit the file, delete those lines ;)

And, by the way, you would have the same problems
with Emacs ;)

Juan R. Migoya

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