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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Chapter boiler plate text, xslt stylesheets.

Numbering happens in the 'label.markup' mode and the templates that control
that are contained in common/labels.xsl.  The template matching 'section'
can be modified as follows:

(at end of template)

    <xsl:when test="@label">
      <xsl:value-of select="@label"/>
    <xsl:when test="$label != 0">
      <!-- add appropriate 'from' attribute to number this from the book -->
      <xsl:number count="section" from="book"/>

You will probably have to dig through some of the other code in this
template to be sure that everything is taken care of, but this should get
you started.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Pawson [mailto:dpawson@nildram.co.uk]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 2:19 PM
> To: Jeff Beal; docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Chapter boiler plate text, xslt 
> stylesheets.
> At 14:09 07/10/2003 -0400, Jeff Beal wrote:
> >Set the parameter 'chapter.autolabel' to 0.  When this is 
> non-zero, the
> >stylesheets pull the gentext from the context named 
> 'title-numbered'.  When
> >it is zero, they pull the gentext from the context named 
> 'title-unnumbered',
> >which, as you see, has the proper template without 'Chapter %t'.
> Thanks Jeff. That's it.
> One more if I may...
> (Hoist by mine own I think).
> Is it possible to get a chapter/sect1 to 'continue' numbering,
> or at least to number from n?
> I need the chapters unumbered, and the sect1's (beneath them)
> numbered. .... or is it a case of turn off numbering and
> manually number it?
> regards DaveP
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