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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] title.margin.left bug

On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 10:45:49PM +0100, Nick Hunt wrote:
> Hi All,
> I think there is a bug in the new handling of title.margin.left in 
> version 1.62.4 of the XSL stylesheets.
> The page master for index pages looks like:
> <fo:simple-page-master master-name="index-first"
>                             page-width="{$page.width}"
>                             page-height="{$page.height}"
>                             margin-top="{$page.margin.top}"
>                             margin-bottom="{$page.margin.bottom}"
>                             margin-left="{$page.margin.inner}"
>                             margin-right="{$page.margin.outer}">
> Yet the page master for draft mode looks like:
>        <fo:simple-page-master master-name="index-first-draft"
>                               page-width="{$page.width}"
>                               page-height="{$page.height}"
>                               margin-top="{$page.margin.top}"
>                               margin-bottom="{$page.margin.bottom}"
> 			     margin-left="{$page.margin.inner} - {$title.margin.left}"
>                               margin-right="{$page.margin.outer}">
> Note that margin-left takes account of the title.margin.left parameter 
> here - wrongly, I think.
Yes, it is wrong in the index-*-draft page masters.
Those should not adjust the left margin by the
title.margin.left value because the index is
two-columns in the the full page width.  I'll fix that
in CVS.

> On this subject, it would be useful to be able to control 
> title.margin.left for each page-sequence-master; if you have a 
> relatively large value for it (I use -6pc) title pages that have 
> centred titles look very odd, as the page "centre" is offset. You can 
> do customised page masters, of course, but it would be nice not to have 
> to for this...

Well, the way the title.left.margin code is written,
everything is indented by that amount *except* items
that explicitly outdent themselves to the left
margin.  For example, the header and footer blocks
outdent by the amount of title.left.margin in the
same way the section titles do.  That means any
other items like titles that need to be at the
left margin must be outdented to overcome the
page-sequence indent.

The other approach would be to not put the indent on
the page sequence, but to indent all the content that isn't
a section title.  


Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
The SCO Group                               fax:   (831) 429-1887
                                            email: bobs@sco.com

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