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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Problem with XSL-1.62.4 and mediaobject/imageobject


I've got a docbook book file where I want to include one image
(in png for html, and eps for print).

The html file is fine.

but in the fo->pdf file I get two images !?
    <imagedata fileref="xml/JUnit-JUnit.eps" format="EPS"/>
    <imagedata fileref="xml/JUnit-JUnit.png" format="PNG"/>
    <phrase>JUnit TestRunner Swing GUI</phrase>
The Doku says that dokbook should pick _one_ of the avaible images, but
somehow it seems to choose all.


Jens Skripczynski
E-Mail: skripi-lists(at)myrealbox(dot)com

In this world there are only two tragedies; one is not getting
what one wants, the other is getting it.
                                  -- Oscar Wild

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